Seamless pre-approved Credit line on UPI
NPST PayJoy is an API-based credit enabling solution that integrates with banks’ UPI apps to offer credit to a broader customer base, including those without traditional credit access. It uses an AI-driven engine to assess credit eligibility and interfaces with the Loan Management System for tailored credit products.
Key Capabilities
AI-Based Risk Decisioning
PayJoy utilizes Explainable AI to assist banks in offering tailored credit options to customers based on their financial profiles.
Built-in NPST Switch
Integrated NPST switch significantly reduces processing latency, enhancing the speed of transactions and improving the success rate of payments.
Rationalizes Compliance Overheads
Interfaces with NPCI UIDIR system to efficiently manage disputes for delegated payments, reducing manual efforts and errors.
User-Specific Credit Limits
Credit limits for each user are established based on predefined criteria, allowing for personalized lending that aligns with individual financial profiles.
Seamless Integration
Seamless integration with Loan Management Systems, Core Banking Systems, Loyalty Management Systems, and Central Payment Schemes allows banks to quickly bring credit line offerings to market.
Rich Decisioning Insights
Detailed analytics on loan performance and borrower metrics including acceptance rates, repayment trends at a customer and aggregate level, and default rates improve business decisions.
Simplified Reconciliation and Settlement
Facilitates two-party and three-party reconciliation by cross-referencing data from switch and loan management records. This process ensures accuracy, minimizes discrepancies, and maintains reliable information regarding loan disbursals, repayments, and interchange fees.

Value We Deliver to Customers

Contact us to reach new to credit customers.
Create a delightful customer experience with seamless access to credit on UPI.